5 Office Upgrades Your Clinic Should Consider Investing In

July 21, 2016

When setting up a new clinic, there are a number of upgrades you can make in order to enhance the experience for your customers and employees. Investing in these upgrades does increase your initial costs at first, but most will pay off due to the enhanced productivity and customer experience they provide to your staff and patients. Health care is an industry that continues to grow and expand with new technologies so be sure to take advantage of the ones you can.

Welcoming Reception Areas

An inviting patient reception area shows you care about the people who come to your clinic. Consider investing in wider chairs or fun bean bags for kids. Potted plants or a small water feature create a calming and relaxing experience. You may also wish to create a children’s area with child-friendly books, chairs and activity toys. Cater to the people to frequent the office. For pediatricians you might invest in kid friendly waiting activities like coloring pages and crayons. For a gynecologist, women’s interest’s magazines might be the way to go.

Informative Programming

In your reception area and patient examination rooms, televisions set up with informative programming can be a useful educational tool. For example, if you are a health clinic related to diabetes, then your televisions could be set up to show information about nutrition, cooking, shopping for healthy foods, and tips on how to substitute unhealthy ingredients for healthier options. Your patients can watch these shows while they wait to be seen by the physicians. You might also offer quizzes to test patient’s knowledge on things like general hygiene for a doctor’s office, or provide tips and pamphlets on birthing for a women’s health clinic.

Data Archiver Programs

Health Data Archiver programs provide you with a backup copy of all of your patient’s records. This can be essential in case you have a server outage or simply too much physical files. Data archiving programs also protect your clinic against hackers who might try to hijack patient information.

Patient Information Web Portals

Information portals are websites that allow your patients to access their own information. These portals can also be set up for patients to schedule or cancel appointments. This type of system empowers your patients, and can reduce the burden of requests to your staff and reception desk tasks.

Backup Generators

Consider investing in a backup generator for your business. A generator would provide you with enough time to save and back up any patient charts and would also provide you with enough power to care for the patients who are already visiting your office during an electrical power outage.

Investing in these upgrades for your health clinic helps to create a welcoming atmosphere. Your employees will also appreciate the electronic systems that are easy to use and require less manipulation and management than basic office software and hardware. Your clinic will be prepared for any type of situation after you have made these investments.

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