Categories: Business & Finance

7 Tips For Improving The Usability Of Your Website’s Privacy Policy

July 11, 2016

If your ecommerce website or any other site meant for doing business online does not have a convincing privacy policy, potential customers are unlikely to make purchasing from the site. This is because they fear of losing crucial information such as credit card details and personal information to an unwanted third party.

So, you can take help from privacy policy generator to customize your privacy policy as per your business and requirements of your target customers. Still, you need to keep in mind some crucial tips that you need to follow strictly in formulating your privacy policy so that more people have confidence in purchasing products or services online from your company.

  1. Ensure right links – Link of your privacy page must be accessible to your visitors from everywhere when they visit your website. Each such site page should be having the link at distinctly visible place. You can place the link at the footer menu, which is where visitors look for accessing your privacy policy page. Another trick to make visitors read your privacy policy is to provide its link on the pages where you ask them to register for email signup or create account. So, use these tricks while using privacy policy generator.
  2. Write it in short – People do not have time to read a lengthy privacy policy page. So, keep the content on the page short, precise and to the point. But make sure that all the relevant concerns of customers are addressed.
  3. Make information visible – Visitors of your privacy policy page would be scanning the page quickly. This means that your crucial privacy points should be highlighted in bold letters and in bullet points. Make sure that you provide details with subheadings while using privacy policy creator
  4. Use FAQ style – FAQ – Frequently Asked Questions – is a great style of providing relevant information. People can have their questions well answered by the website itself on the policy page. In this way, you do not have to invite their questions or concerns or hire a person to answer queries from customers all the time.
  5. Display your trust badges – If you own trust badges and seals, show them on your privacy policy page. This way, you can fill your visitors with more confidence in your business and safe transaction done through your website.
  6. Use simple language – Make it sure that your privacy policy page is in simple and plain English, without use of technical wordings that are usually boring for many people. Use day-to-day language to clear your policy matters and avoid legal terms and jargons.
  7. Use privacy policy generators – though there are services of privacy policy experts available but they are generally expensive for small businesses. If it is the case with you, then you can rely on privacy policy generator to create convincing policy page with relevant but precise information. Also, you can depend on cookie policy generator too when writing your policy regarding use of cookies to collect information from users.

These are basic but crucial tips that you must pay attention to and check when using privacy policy generator.

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Gaurav Kumar

Gaurav Kumar has been a blogger, digital marketer and an SEO expert at, one of the fastest growing custom design crowdsourcing platforms. Over the years, he has been helping small businesses and startups improve website design and SEO strategy, content marketing and user experience. You can engage with him on Twitter@digitalmid or

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