Categories: Family & Personal

Bernell Gatlin – Rejoicing and Relaxing with Simple Pleasures of Life

January 7, 2016

Life in the modern world is very hectic, where everyone is in a rat race to reach the top. This said, everyone wants to work and get the best for himself too, and this means that they are fine with sacrificing their happiness too. This is why many people suffer from depression, and regret decisions that they might have taken. Situations might propel you to take certain steps at certain times of life, but that does not mean that you would have to suffer for your decisions in life. Bernell Gatlin is a professional just like any of you and yet, he ensures that before anything else or anyone else in life, one has to look after him or her.

This kind of attitude does not mean that you only work or do things for your own happiness. This just means that you give yourself some importance and do care about your own well-being also. In the way to make life better for others, you might end up sacrificing on your sleep and food and this will continue to happen all life. But if you really feel that you should do things for your own contentment, then make time out for yourself, watch a movie, read books, meet your old friends, or meet new people, and in short, do things that you would enjoy doing.

Bernell Gatlin also does these and when he has free time or when he feels that he has pushed himself too far for a day, then he decides to take time out and play a game or maybe relax at a restaurant and indulge in some of his favorite foods.

Recreational activities and pastime activities might vary from one person to another and this is why you should also pursue something that relaxes you. There are plenty of options available, plenty of things like hobbies that you can take up. Pick up a guitar and take lessons, or maybe go for music classes or art classes once a week. These are surely the best things to do with life and they are so therapeutic that you would feel relaxed and happy too. Once you start these, you might know where to turn to when you are stressed.

People who have such pursuits are a lot more composed and relaxed than those who do not have any such. You will be able to focus on your work more and enjoy working with your creativity. Creative pursuits are not necessarily expensive and that means you have got many reasons for celebration. You shall take time out and play a game of soccer with your neighborhood kids or may even learn to play chess or other such sports that would possibly cost you nothing and yet, give you peace of mind like anything. So, the next time you go to work or even have long train or bus journeys to take, just carry along a book to read or a Rubric cube to play when you have nothing else to do.

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