Categories: Home Improvement

What Is A Pool Route Broker?

October 13, 2015

Perhaps you’re familiar with the term “pool route broker” or maybe you’re new to the industry and just hearing about it for the first time. A pool route broker is someone who performs a pretty important role in the purchasing and selling of pool routes and can end up being the make or break piece of the puzzle for you.

How to Connect Buyer with Seller

One of the toughest parts about sales in any field is connecting the buyer with the seller. There are of course all different ways to do this, but much of it is depended upon the industry itself. When it comes to pool routes this is a very specific industry and unless you’ve been in the business for years there’s a good chance you don’t have a stockpile of contacts that you can just call up to purchase a pool route from, or sell a route to.

Sure you can do all the legwork yourself in order to connect seller with buyer, but this can be quite time consuming and there’s a chance you may end up making a deal that isn’t optimum simply because you don’t have the background experience. This is where a pool route sales broker can come in real handy, as they bridge the gap between sellers and buyers.

One of the top reasons to look at a pool route broker is because they can clearly “discuss the benefits of the pool industry with the buyer,” as Sealey Business Brokers points out. specializes in pool route sales that go on to state that it can prove to be a great business to get into. “They typically require less capital than buying a traditional business because the name of the business, equipment, goodwill and vehicles are not included in the sale price.”

When You’re in a Hurry

You may be a seller that is looking for a customer fast, for whatever your reasons you need to unload your pool route quickly. Going about this on your own is not only stressful but you’re setting yourself up for failure if you don’t have experience in selling a route. As well you don’t have that contact you can go to with all your questions about how to price your route, how to market it, where to find potential customers, and any other question that may come to mind. A pool route broker acts as your own personal source of information available to answer all your questions and ease your mind of the stress you are most likely feeling.

Keep in Mind

If you decide to go ahead with a pool route broker there are a few things to keep in mind. First off, be sure to look for someone with experience and a positive track record of sales. Secondly look for someone that has plenty of contacts so you know your business is going to get sold quickly. And lastly be sure to pick someone you connect with and feel comfortable talking to.

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