Categories: Business & Finance

How Company Culture Can Land You Better Job Candidates

December 17, 2019

One of the most unspoken and significant facts of any business is company culture. Any office manager can tell you that no two dentist offices are exactly alike. The team makes a big impact.  When you own a business, your business reputation, branding and ranking online and off is heavily dependent upon company culture. When a company embeds company culture early into the establishment of business, it goes a long way to attract better job candidates.

How Company Culture Can Land You Better Job Candidates

There is an unmistakable affinity of job applicants to study company culture before applying for a job. If your company offers excellent company perks, it becomes highly ranked by personnel recruiters and job applicants.

Company culture in this way brands your business as one that is employee sensitive. Company culture also is a public statement of your business’s intent to avoid hiring discrimination while also proving a sense of discernment about the type of job candidates that enhance the quality of your company.

For example, if the company culture relies on corporate image in job candidates, it will attract applicants that fit the description of seasoned members of corporations who are upwardly mobile and intent on enhancing their corporate experience. This helps land job candidates who understand the importance of creativity, innovation and attention to detail.

Company Culture Attracts Compatible Job Candidates

If yours is a small business, your company culture assumes responsibility for hiring job candidates who fit into the small business realm. Thus, those with corporate executive skills will not want to apply for a small business position after being exposed to the high level stress in corporate environments.

The same is true of a company culture that makes their employees feel like they are part of a team instead of a clog in a machine. Many dental offices use corporate restaurant delivery to buy the team lunch. Some dentists give their team gift cards or concert tickets. These types of perks are not only nice, but crucial to jobs that require a team to work together. This helps with job retention, but also employees talking about their perks to their friends. This means that open positions can go referrals instead of a random person online.

How to Create an Enduring Company Culture

An enduring company culture has the power to create a healthy, satisfactory work environment. When job candidates seek a position with your company, they should be appraised before hiring of how your company culture is distinct from that of their prior business experience.

Employee productivity is linked to employees exposed at time of hire to company culture. Early company culture exposure avoids employee relations problems later on. When employees believe they are treated fairly and are valued, their productivity and company loyalty is a positive step toward continued business growth and increased productivity.

Attracting the best job candidates is inextricably related to company culture due to job candidates and personnel recruiters due diligence in researching company/candidate matches for jobs your company offers.

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