Categories: Business & Finance

How Exactly Does Targeted Leaflet Distribution Work

December 16, 2015

While new and revolutionary marketing forms are popping up each time, traditional methods often deliver the best results. Leaflet distribution is one marketing method many believe to be outdated, yet evidence suggests it is still among the most effective ways to gain attention for businesses.

The following looks at how leaflet distribution works and why it is successful at marketing businesses of all forms.

Data Required to Support Leaflet Distribution

A number of surveys have shown that leaflet distribution is a very effective method to reach consumers. The Direct Marketing Association in the UK (DMA) conducted surveys which concluded that:

71 percent of consumers found information on leaflets useful

48 percent of consumers go to the store and purchase the product marketed in the leaflet that was left in their letterbox

38 percent of consumers keep the leaflets they get for at least three days

79 percent of consumers either take a look or pass the leaflet on to others

In addition, a similar study by the DMA noted that 90 percent of people who received a specific leaflet remembered receiving when asked at a later time.

The British Marketing Survey noted that leaflet distribution had a much higher response rate when compared to other marketing methods, including television and radio exposure.

Targeting the Right Audience

The reason why leaflet distribution receives a high response rate is because it targets the right audience. For instance, newspaper advertising can’t guarantee the same results because there’s no guarantee that your audience will actually read that paper on a specific date or even that anyone will see your ad at all.

When you use the services of a professional leaflet distributor, the company may use geo-analysis and other methods to ensure that your leaflets reach their target audience. You won’t mindlessly share leaflets in your city, but will drop them in specific target letterboxes.

Promotional Message

Leaflets can also be a perfect way to draw someone’s attention quickly and offer them a promotional message. The person will receive the leaflet, read it and immediately determine whether it interests them or not. A good design will make the leaflet more attractive and the right promotional message will add a selling point.

Easy to Hold Onto

Another reason why leaflet distribution is great for any marketing effort is because the recipient holds onto it and goes through it when they have time. For instance, a television, radio or internet ad will pass on before you get enough time to harness the details, but a leaflet will give you more time to go through it and scrutinize every aspect of it. In addition, you can also carry your leaflet when on the move without cutting out pieces of paper had it been a newspaper ad.

A leaflet can fit in your wallet or pocket, meaning that you can receive it, keep it act when you are ready. Studies have shown that people tend to hold on leaflets much longer so as to ensure that they can read the message a number of times during the day. If they remember that they have a leaflet with them they will look it again.

When looking at leaflet distribution, one of most important aspects to consider is who you are going to manage your campaign and make it successful. If you are not sure about how to go about leaflet distribution or if you are looking to increase your chances of success, it may be worth choosing a good leaflet distribution company. Also note that such a company may also help with the design and distribution of your leaflets.

For more information on leaflet distribution visit Letterbox Media Leaflet Distribition London

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