Categories: Internet & Web Dev

How To Ensure Visitors Stay Longer On Your Website

August 23, 2016

For many businesses, their website brings the most number of leads. The longer your visitors stay on your website, the higher are the chances of converting them into leads. Naturally, you want your visitors to spend the longest time on your website.

Here are some proven ways to retain your visitors for the longest time on your website.

Quick Loading Website

Visitors are unforgiving of websites that take too long to load.

Consider the point of view of visitors coming from organic search. They have chosen your website out of ten options. That’s not even counting the ads. If a website does not load quickly enough, most of your visitors will simply go back to the search page, and pick another website.

Ensure your website is free of plugins that take a long time to load or slow your website. Host your site on a modern CMS such as WordPress. Choose your website design Liverpool agency carefully.


Multimedia is sure to increase the amount of time visitors stay on your website. Videos are a great example of increased user engagement. You could use videos to showcase your products/services, or to give a quick demo.

There are several ways to use video on your homepage. You could use full width video as the homepage background. Alternatively, you can embed a video player.

Easy Navigation

An easy and clear navigation can significantly improve the user experience, which has a big impact on the amount of time your visitors stay. Keep your navigation menu simple and clean. Limit the number of links and dropdowns in your menu. Your website design Liverpool agency can simplify the navigation by highlighting the crucial pages you want your visitors to visit.

Avoid Chunky Text

Reading a big chunk of text is really difficult. Have you found yourself reading a book with a big block of text, only to close it shut soon enough? Your visitors will bounce out of your website the moment they come across a big wall of text.

Keep your content brief and to the point. It should engage your users and pique their interest, leading them down the sales funnel. Make use of white space, keep paragraphs small and sentences short, and stay on point.

Search Function

A search bar can significantly enhance the user experience, and can help retain your visitors for longer. When a visitor comes to your website, he is after a specific piece of information. If he is unable to find an answer to his question, he may feel lost.

A search box is the perfect answer at this time. The visitor can type his query in the search box to find the desired piece of information. This is a quick and easy way to find the information. And you’ve just increased the time the visitor will spend on your website.

In Conclusion

The keyword is engagement. The more you keep your visitors engaged, the longer will they stay on your site. A capable website design Liverpool agency can implement the necessary aspects that will retain your visitors

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