Categories: Autos

How to Keep Your Car Smelling Fresh and Clean Even If It’s Dirty On The Outside

August 29, 2021

Be honest with yourself, how bad does your car smell? Before you slump away from embarrassment, realize that foul-smelling interiors are commonplace, and many drivers don’t realize their automobile stinks until someone points it out. However, it doesn’t have to be this way. With our tried-and-true tips listed below, any car can smell like it just rolled off the factory floor and into your garage. Now that we’ve piqued your interest, let’s explore ways to change the smell of your car so you stop scaring away friends and attracting random wildlife from your area.

Dryer Sheets

You know the small sheets you throw into your dryer to keep your clothes from becoming statically charged? Well, we’ll let you in on a secret: these sheets are great for transforming your car’s aroma. The next time you’re out in your garage, grab a handful of dryer sheets and gently rub them between your seats, near the creases of your headrest and along your steering wheel. While it may seem like your effort has little impact, the next time you head out into the world, the interior of your automobile will smell like fresh laundry.

Car Deodorizer

Do you know what your car and your armpits have in common? They both need deodorant from time to time. All joking aside, a car deodorizer is a brilliant way of making your car smell great in a short period. The next time you’re suddenly struck with a “stank face,” find a car deodorizer to tackle your hard-to-reach aromas emitted from the depths of your car’s interior. Some companies, like NuVinAir, know that these easy to use devices can attach to your car’s ventilation flaps, clip to your dash, or can be mounted in an area out of your vision. Before you know it, the bad smells will melt away into a figment of your imagination.

Good Old Fashioned Elbow Grease

For more serious cases of funk, nothing beats getting in your car and cleaning it by hand. Sure, it’s kind of a pain to complete, but once finished, you’ll be thankful you hand-detailed your car’s interior. Although each person has a personalized approach to cleaning out their car of unwanted smells, trash and materials, here are the areas to keep in mind:

  • Eliminate large waste products first.
  • Wash and disinfect floor mats.
  • Don’t skip the small window crevices.
  • Pay close attention to your steering wheel.
  • Use a vacuum for small spaces and seat creases.
  • Focus on your seatbelts.
  • Hand wash door panels, locks and switches.
  • Suck up dirt, pebbles and debris from the carpet.
  • Use Q-tips on the radio’s buttons.
  • Remove dust from dashboards and the speedometer.

While your mileage may vary, these steps will surely make your car more pleasing while driving around and running errands.

Wake up and Smell the Truth

Don’t be “that person” who doesn’t know their car reeks. Rather than waiting until you involuntary activate your friend’s gag reflex as they recoil in terror from the foul odors emitted from your back seat, take matters into your own hands. With our tips and techniques, any car, regardless of how it looks on the exterior, can smell like you just drove it home from the showroom floor.

As a side note: having a fresh-smelling automobile will automatically designate you as your friend’s “go-to” driver from this point forward. If you’re trying to save money on gas, keep the three-day-old bag of fast food under your seat. Otherwise, get out there and see if our strategies change the smell of your beloved car for good.

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