Categories: Health

Mental Health vs. Physical Health – Which Is More Important?

August 28, 2017

Nearly everyone agrees that taking care of our health is important. But oftentimes, when people talk about “health” they’re only referring to physical health. Our mental health is usually taken for granted.

What Is Mental Health?

Mental health pertains to your overall psychological well-being. It’s about how you feel about yourself, your ability to manage your thoughts and feelings, how you deal with problems/difficulties, your behavior, and your relationships with others.

Mental or emotional health plays a vital role in your ability to keep yourself healthy, physically. Mental illnesses impact behaviors resulting in problems with physical health.

The problem is that most people don’t see a mental health professional so they can be examined and treated, if needed. In many cases, they only seek out a mental health professional when a crisis has already occurred.

Psychologists in the West Island of Montreal have long emphasized the importance of mental health. Experts believe that a person’s mental health is just as important as their physical health. If you don’t take care of your mental and emotional needs, then many aspects of your life will suffer – your work, relationships and yes, even your physical health.

Common mental health problems like anxiety, depression, anxiety, and stress manifest themselves as physical ailments like fatigue, headache, stomach ache, muscle tension, heart palpitations and difficulty sleeping.

The problem is that a lot of people refuse to accept they have mental health issues. There’s still a stigma in our society that makes it difficult for many to admit they need to seek treatment. So instead of getting help, we push it aside thinking it’ll just go away on its own.

Preventive Mental Health Care

Many people get a physical exam and lab work every couple of years to make sure there’s nothing wrong with their body. But many do not take the same approach when it comes to their mental health. Rarely do people see a psychologist or a therapist to discuss their emotional well-being.

Only less than 50% of individuals affected by depression go to a therapist due to some misconceptions. Many think that depression is just part of life while others believe it’s a disease that they can treat on their own. And then there are individuals who don’t even know they’re depressed. However, when he or she does decide to seek help, as many as 70% of patients with depression go into full remission.

Anxiety disorders are also not well understood. These disorders can affect a person’s ability to function properly in society and reduce the quality of his or her life. Panic disorder, a form of anxiety disorder, happens when the fear response for a particular situation is exaggerated.

Usually, anxiety disorders come with symptoms of panic, intense fear, shortness of breath and dizziness. But whilst anxiety disorders are highly treatable, only about 30% of people with anxiety disorders seek help.

To improve mental health on your own, here are some tips you can try:

  1. Get enough sleep every day.
  2. Start a hobby.
  3. Laugh a lot.
  4. Pay attention to your feelings.
  5. Allow yourself to grieve for failures/losses.
  6. Don’t be afraid to ask for help.
  7. Connect with family and friends.
  8. Don’t spend too much time on social media.
  9. Don’t spend too much time on your computer/phone.
  10. Spend time in nature.
  11. Exercise regularly.
  12. Learn to say no.
  13. See a therapist.

Mental diseases are real, but often times they’re treatable. Don’t wait for your condition to get worse before you finally muster the courage to seek help. Do something about it today.

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