Categories: Science & Technology

Top 10 Information Security Do’s And Don’ts

September 24, 2015

Information technology promotes great defense against fraud and other harmful elements that can put an institution at risk. However, everyone must do their jobs on protecting the company’s assets including its clients’ or customers’ to make it more efficient. As they say, security is a responsibility for everyone. Here are the things you should and should not do to help our IT professionals maintain safety and possibly apprehend the crime-doers.

Do not give out confidential Information to anyone

Do not respond to communications (phone calls, SMS, emails) that ask for confidential information. Be wise and avoid getting tricked into giving away employee details, protected research information, confidential marketing plans, development strategies and passwords. Fraudsters can easily contact you and introduce themselves as a colleague or a business partner. Be vigilant and report suspicious people to the IT Service Desk or Fraud Control Group of your company.

Avoid Using an Unprotected Computer

Sensitive and confidential files should only be accessed on company-authorized devices. You should also make use of a virtual private network to prevent hackers. Do not attempt to use computers from internet shops on opening your work email and do not utilize a public WiFi connection. The IT team may update your computing device with approved security systems, anti-virus software and firewall.

Lock Before You Walk

Make it a habit to lock your PC or mobile device before going away from the workstation. A second’s exposure of highly confidential matters to information leakers and fraud superstars may impose a devastating impact to the business, its clients, partners and customers. Keep your desk tidy and avoid leaving important paperwork behind

Protect Sensitive Files and Devices with Passwords

Sensitive files must be kept away from sight of unauthorized parties. Devices that contain such highly confidential information should be secured with very strong passwords. Protecting your devices with passwords that are difficult to guess will give the code breakers a hard time. If possible, make use of self-destruct features to make sure that these life-worthy data won’t benefit anyone else.

Don’t Use Unauthorized Programs on Your Work PC

Malicious programs and applications may harm the devices being used at work. If the device is connected to a wide network, the disaster can be a whole lot bigger. Only use IT-approved software and keep yourself informed about the latest policies. Businesses have an option to block foreign devices and software from accessing the computer files and their main data drive.

Report SPAM and Suspicious Emails

Email phishing, spam email and other messages asking for confidential information and baiting you to click a link should be reported to the IT department. These may infect your computer with malware or viruses. Clicking on links may expose you to hacking threats.

Be Vigilant and Report Suspicious Activities

The Fraud Risk and Control Department of different organizations are always all ears when it comes to issues about fraud. Keep yourself alert and be sure to report instances that can potentially put customer and client privacy at risk. Identity theft, privacy breach and loss due to the company’s negligence and lack of capacity to eliminate fraud can escalate to legal problems, bad publicity and termination of contract with liability to pay for compensatory damages.

Jensen Carlyle is a freelance business writer who focuses on technology and security issues – he is currently working on the impact of Role Based Permissions on data security with BPMS provider, JobTraQ.

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