No matter the season, you can have fun outdoors. This can mean everything from cross-country skiing in the winter to tubing in the heat of summer. Of course, you’ll need different gear for each season and trip.
Cold feet are miserable and can be dangerous when you’re winter camping. A good pair of down booties will not take much room in your pack and can protect you from frostbite and other miseries. Even better, these have a draw close you can tie shut at night to keep cold air out. Load them with fresh socks for the morning, squash them small and stick them in the bottom of your sleeping bag to make your first step out of the bag much more comfortable.
Any pack that opens is unlikely to be completely waterproof, but a quality weatherproof hunting backpack will be easy to cover with plastic if the rain gets heavy. This pack offers lots of spaces for keeping things organized and will snug tight to your body if you need to do some boulder-hopping or find a treacherous trail. Best of all, this pack has top handling for easy handling in and out of your vehicle.
A stiff-brimmed hat is critical for keeping both sun and rain off your face. This hat includes a neck drape to reduce the risk of a crazy painful sunburn. If you need to get out your raincoat, this hat will hold up the front of your hood and shield your face for maximum visibility.
Finding a rain jacket and waterproof boots is critically important to a fun outdoor adventure, but quality rain paints can make or break a trip. These pants will hold in heat and would work great over fleece tights or flannel pants. They’re loaded with pockets for easy access to your gear. They’re elastic waist, so you can get in and out of them quickly. They cover the tops of your hikers and reduce the risk of sloppy socks and wet feet. If you’re going winter camping or plan to be out early in the morning, pants that keep the wind out will go a long way to keeping you more comfortable.
Great outdoor gear will last for years when properly cared for and can make or break a camping trip. Keep warm and protect yourself from sun, rain, and wind for an ideal trip.
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