Categories: Health

Get Back On Your Feet: Tips For A Quicker Recovery After Your Bunion Surgery

July 14, 2021

Bunions are large bumps usually at the base of the big toe or the little toe. These bumps form when the small bones in the foot move out of place over time. This may happen because of foot trauma, tight shoes, genetics, foot shape, genetics, or health issues. They are often painful and can make walking difficult. Because of that, many people choose to have their bunions removed through bunion surgery.

Bunion surgery effectively removes painful and debilitating bunions, but it takes some time to resume normal activity. In fact, it can take up to 12 weeks. Most people want to walk again as quickly as possible, but they may lack patience, trying to get up and about before the site has had time to heal properly, which can set healing back. If you have recently had bunion surgery, here are four tips for a quicker recovery.

Take It Easy

Surgery of any type is draining on the body. In addition to healing the problem that the surgery is treating, your body has to heal from the incisions from the surgery itself. Healing major injuries like these is exhausting, so you’ll likely find yourself needing more sleep than usual after the surgery. You may also become fatigued more easily from normal activities. Listen to your body when it needs extra rest.

Additionally, people often don’t realize how much it will affect them when they can’t walk normally. You will likely have the urge to walk and remain active, and you will likely get restless staying off your feet so much. However, the best course of action is to take it easy. If you put too much strain on your foot, you can prolong the recovery or hurt yourself even more. Even when you feel healed, you should not put too much strain on your foot. For example, you don’t want to wear high heels for at least six months.

Follow Doctor’s Orders

Your podiatrist will give you clear instructions on how to care for your foot after surgery, and you should listen to them. Most likely, you should start by keeping the foot elevated as much as possible. You will also likely need to wear a boot and use crutches. Finally, you will also need to clean your bandages regularly. Follow instructions, and don’t be afraid to ask your doctor if you run into any questions.

Live Healthy

You have a responsibility to treat your body well while it is recovering. This means making healthy lifestyle choices. You should not smoke while you’re healing. Doing so can set back your recovery by almost 50 percent. You should also make a point to eat well, focusing on foods with plenty of vitamins and antioxidants. It can be tempting to eat junk food for temporary relief from the pain and discomfort, but healthy food will have a much more positive effect in the long term.

Visit a Physical Therapist

A physical therapist will work with you to get you on your feet again by having you perform simple exercises. Your physical therapist will push your limits while keeping you safe during your sessions. They will also give you exercises to do at home when you feel up to it. Go into your physical therapy sessions with a positive attitude and do your best to see results.

If you had bunions that caused you serious pain and discomfort, bunion surgery may be your best option for relief. However, you will still experience pain and discomfort while you recover. Follow these tips to make your recovery less troublesome and get you back on your feet more quickly.

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