Categories: Internet & Web Dev

How To Start A Blog On WordPress

May 12, 2016

With days passing, blogging has become a passion for most of the people and some people even earns the living of out of their blogs.

What is blogging?

Blogging is a skill of writing your stuff and sharing it with the world and in other words, blogging is all about helping others by solving their problems.

What are the benefits of a blog?

Generally, we always want benefits for everything that we do, it may our education, job, or for anything which takes time money and hard work, hence here are some good benefits of blogging

  • Blogging is the best way to brand yourself on online
  • It helps you to know how the online market
  • If you are skilled then you can earn money online
  • You can build a strong relation with your readers and clients
  • It makes you grow your intelligence in term analytical and logically thinking
  • Most important it gives you the freedom to work from any part of the world.
  • No boss

And still there are hundreds of benefits when you blog or when you become a successful blogger.

How to choose best domain name for your blog

Domain name represents your blog, be unique don’t take any domain which is already popular in your niche. Try to choose your domain name related to your niche interest and keywords. Your domain you should be catchy so that when people read it they remember well because catchy names are very easy to remember like TechCrunch, quicksprout , labnol and try to keep the short name. Always try to prefer Dot com domains because they are internationally identified.

Places to buy domain names.

Godaddy, bigrock, namecheap, etc…

If you found your domain name go for it, register that name in GoDaddy, bigrock, Namecheap these are top domain registering companies so, and make sure that you choose the catchy and sensible domain names for your blog.

Hosting for your Blog.

If you have selected your domain name, now the point is about where to host your domain I mean where are you going to store your data online? Images, text, videos, of your blog will be on the internet

So, now hosting plays a major role. A hosting is a web server which gives you web space to store your data. Thus, your domain name will be the name of your blog and all the information (data) of that blog will be stored on the online server (called as hosting).

Places to buy hosting

Interserver, Bluehost, Hostgator, GoDaddy  are the big hosting companies where you will get the web hosting according to plan you choose to run your blog.

Keyword research for your blog.

All of us write what we want to write we don’t think must about, we don’t think much about post title discerption, on page SEO. If you want to make your blog successful then you need to write on what people are searching for or else you will endup the blog with no traffic and income.

So, for that, you need to do Keyword research because the keyword research is the most important part of the blog if you know on what keywords you need to target then half of the job is done. There are some tools that will help you to find out on what people searching and what actually people wants to know about.

Best keyword research tools for your blog

Keyword research will help to find out the targeted audience. Most the online companies will invest millions of dollars to find the targeted keywords for their blog because when you don’t have targeted traffic there is no way to make passive income from your blog.

Here are some best keyword research tools.

Google Keyword Planner tool is one of the free and most popular tools. The only fact for its popularity is, it works perfectly with AdWords and it gives you the deep information about the keywords.

SEMRUSH is keyword research which offers more than researching keyword tool because you can actually find out of your competitor’s keywords by just entering their URL and that will show all the keywords which your competitor is ranking for so, this tool makes your keyword research part easy and simple. You can get more detailed information about the keywords like short-tails and long-tail keywords, traffic stats, total search engine report, and AdSense CPC and much more! SEMRUSH is gives 15 days free trial.

Long Tail pro is the tool which helps you build micro niche sites. This tool is paid ones and there is an awesome feature in this tool like it analyses the competition for one particular keyword and gives you all the information. You can use this tool for a trial period of 10 days.

Keyword Spy is a completely SEO optimized tool which is very much useful for keyword research. It will do keyword research completion like SEO rank, gives you regional information. The pricing ranges from $89.95 per month.

Find a Perfect Theme WordPress theme for your blog

When it comes selecting right WordPress theme which works for your blog is the somewhat difficult task, as there are many themes on the web. As you search for perfect WordPress theme the search engine throws a number of options by seeing that you will be confused as to what to choose and what not choose.

Now we are here to help you with that issue by suggesting the best themes,

Ultimate Azon this theme is designed especially for creating amazon affiliate site this helps you for building micro-niche and it can easily list of your products.

Child genesis theme by using this theme you can build any type of WordPress site like, it may be a news site, jobs site, and the theme is completely SEO optimized and you don’t have worry much about.

Magazine3 is the pretty good theme when you to build a news related site or sport because it provides some nice features that you won’t miss it while using like easy navigation, featured images, very well optimized in term of SEO.

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