Categories: Home Improvement

Tips and Tricks to Repairing Your Roof Before You Sell Your Home

August 25, 2021

When someone buys a house, they want a proverbial and literal roof over their head. It’s important to show your roof attention before selling to increase your home’s magnetism. Talk to a residential roofer about whether you should repair or replace it and use these tips and tricks to make your roof appealing to buyers.

Apply Protective Coating

Apply a protective coating on the roof to protect it from sun damage by reflecting the sun away. A protective coating is cheap and easy to apply. Plus, buyers will appreciate the recent maintenance.

Use Matching Shingles

Buyers will not want a roof that doesn’t match. It looks incomplete and unattractive. When you get your roof installed, make a point to save shingles in case you can’t find matching shingles later. You can paint the shingles if you don’t have extra shingles available.

Add Insulation in Attic

This is a good time to add insulation in your attic to increase the amount of protection your roof and attic will provide from the outside elements. Insulation comes with an R-value rating that indicates how efficient it is. The higher the R-value, the more efficient the insulation.

Use Materials with High ROI

If selling your home, your new roof is mostly to appease possible buyers. That means you want to purchase a new roof with a high ROI. One of the most popular roofing materials, asphalt shingles, provides a 68% ROI on average, which is respectable. However, alternative options, such as metal or clay tiles, can provide an even higher return on investment.

Transfer Roof Warranty

Don’t forget to transfer the roof warranty over to the new owner to prove your investment and show them that they have a warranty for security in the case something goes wrong.

Opt for Tear Off

When replacing you have two options: tear-off or roof over. A tear-off requires more money upfront, but it is a much better option by far. It provides a more secure roof, and it will last longer. In many cases, you will not even be able to roof over your current roof if it already has a layer on it.

Give the next owners of your home a solid cover with a roof that will hold up while also not going over your budget. Call a contractor to learn your options today.

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