Categories: Home Improvement

Building A New House? How to Run The Wiring Correctly

September 12, 2021

If you intend to accomplish a DIY project that includes an electrical component, there are fundamental concepts to understand about wire installation or hiring professional electrical services. Because of the potential of an electrical fire caused by improper wiring, several localities do not allow unlicensed homeowners to wire their own homes. In some regions, particularly in rural areas, you are allowed to wire your home.

Let’s review some tips and tricks that will come in handy when wiring your home.

Understanding Electrical Wiring

Every house built since the 1940s has been required to adhere to an electrical code. The NEC classifies electrical wires and cables based on their color. You’ve undoubtedly observed yellow, white, black, red, or green wires when removing a switch plate. Each has a distinct role, and some do not get along with others. It’s good to understand which wires go together and which ones don’t so you can prevent any complications.

What Type of Wire Is Used for Residential?

Most modern houses utilize nonmetallic (NM) cable, which comprises two or more wires wrapped in the previously stated colored sheathing. A wire package often includes one or more hot wires, as well as a neutral and a ground. To accommodate wiring in an older home or if your wiring has to be repaired, use a junction box to splice the old wires with a new NM cable.

Let’s go over how you should adequately wire your new house.

Draw Out the Design

Create a wiring diagram that depicts the position of the breaker box as well as the course of the wires to each socket. Drawing out the wiring diagram will help you solve potential problems while installing, and make the process more efficient and faster.

Install Conduits

If you’re building a new house, run the most extended cables first to avoid wasting conduits in walls, even if you don’t plan on utilizing them immediately. You should also leave at least one foot of wire at either end if you need to rearrange things later.

Determine the Plug Count

Estimate how a single circuit will power many plugs and switches. Generally, six outlets per 110-voltage circuit are recommended in a living room, whereas two outlets per circuit are the norm in a kitchen, where equipment consumes more energy.

Drill Properly

To prevent drilling into any electrical lines, ducting, or water pipes, ensure you know what’s on the opposite side of the wall/floor—drill holes in the center of the studs with a 1-inch bit to accommodate the wires. The more plugs you have in your home, the safer it is.

Connect Wires and Plugs

To eliminate cables protruding from the box. Run them directly through it or cover them with drywall. At each outlet, fixture, or switch, use wire strippers to remove the outer plastic covering from the wire ends and connect them according to the directions on the package.

If you have an issue with your home’s wiring, contact your local council for guidance on how to repair it.

Install the Circuits

Install separate circuits for each wire group. The courses must be sized to meet the voltage of the wire and the planned use of the terminal.

These are the various steps to follow when you are running wiring correctly. Remember to be safe and secure when conducting DIY projects. This will help you preserve your quality of life and do a fantastic job on your project.

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