Categories: Home Improvement

Under The Stairs

May 9, 2016

In every home there is a secret room where, if you were to look closely, you would glimpse a world of over spilling bits and bobs, old furniture and heaps of coats. This other world is often that neglected space under the stairs.

If space is at a premium, one solution is to move the belongings you want to keep into self storage, safe in the knowledge they are being looked after, freeing you up to create a space you are proud of when guests arrive.

The options are numerous and this could be a great time to indulge in some creativity. This space has great potential, either as a wine rack, cloakroom, space for an extra sofa or extra desk space for filing.

The hallway by due to its nature is like a very busy intersection with streets coming from all over the place. This means that this space can be used to store something that has to be at any moment at hand.  Depending on what type of situation you are facing and what décor or architecture that space under your stairs from the hallway can be used to expand your décor or as storage area. A very good idea that also comes in quite handy is to transform that space to store your shoes and clothes for the cold\warm season.

A bookshelf is perfect for that space because you can make the shelves one longer one shorter one higher one lower and it will look great and I am sure that your favorite books won’t mind.  Decorations also can have their “sanctuary” under the stairs as well as electronic equipment embellishing the entire living room with color and texture.

The easiest way to arrange the space under the stairs is with shelves and racks. A lot of things can be placed there without the need of heavy furnishing.  Shelves can and it is actually recommended to be of different sizes and a little bit asymmetrical because the usual square spaces and straight lines don’t necessarily fit in new, modern interiors. On shelves you can store almost anything the only thing that matters is where the stairs are located because different spaces call for different items.

If you care about your things a lot and you want them organized and you don’t really have the necessarily space for them mounting multiple drawers under the stairs suddenly becomes a very interesting idea. Imagine all that space filled with drawers; small drawers and large drawers. I saw something like this in a tailoring workshop, where because of the tight space the owner mounted drawers under the access stairs where they kept both fabrics and threads.

Building an under stair wine rack is not that complicated and the final product filled with different bottles can serve very well as a decorative element. Both the rack and the individual bottles will definitely draw your guest’s attention. This adds a bit of class and elegancy in your décor making it a warm, welcoming house.

Perhaps now is the time to clear the space, pack away your belongings and keep them in self storage, so you’re free to use your creative flare and make the best use of space.

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